Soundboard and Pinblock
The sound and feel of your traditional or antique piano are our ultimate concerns. To assure a superb
finished instrument, we maintain our own inventory of quarter-sawn lumber for hand crafting each soundboard and pinblock.
Action, Keyboard & Dampers
These 3 sections, (sometimes referred to as the "Playing Mechanism") deal with the moving
parts responsible for enabling the strings to be struck, and dampers to cut off the sound. It is important, therefore, that
all the levers, flanges, hammers, springs, jacks and dampers etc, are not only in proper working order, but are not impeded
by wear & tear that is sustained over many years of playing, and general degeneration over the years.
Cabinet Refinishing
Most pianos' cabinets will (over their lives) have lost their original luster and beauty of polished
woodgrain. The original antique piano finish will have sustained scratches, dents, fading, cracking of polish, etc. Although primarily musical
instruments, the attraction of an antique or traditional pianos is the elegance and refinement of each individual cabinet,
which could be ebonised, or contain a fine veneer, such as Rosewood, Mahogany, Oak or Burr Walnut. Some may even have the
benefit of an unusual design, or contain some fine inlaid marquetry.
Serving New York City (NYC), Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Westchester, Long Island, Southern Connecticut, and Northern New Jersey
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